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eBooks: Overview

Welcome to's free, non-commercial eBook publishing imprint!


Electronic books (eBooks) are digital versions of books that you can download to your personal computer or handheld device. According to, research conducted by the Gartner Group in 2005 revealed that one in 300 books read in the USA, and one in 450 books in Europe, are read in the digital format.

All of's eBooks are free, non-commercial and not-for-profit offerings, published under the " imprint" or in partnership with another web site (as a joint imprint). All authors retain 100% ownership of their own works, as covered by Creative Commons licenses and/or copyrights. Our imprints provide formatting, packaging and distribution to you, the reader. makes absolutely no claim to the ownership of any copyrighted and/or trademarked properties, such as Space: 1999. No copyright infringement is intended.

eBooks typically have security settings, including DRM (Digital Rights Management) which may prevent or limit printing and copying, as well as specifying how many different devices you can download the eBook to. Our eBooks have none of this. We believe our readership is mature and responsible--and will respect the licenses granted for proper use of the eBooks.

There is no one single eBook file format; there are many. You will need to choose the appropriate software reader to go with your selection. (See below.)

Additional information about our eBooks can be found in our FAQ section.

Our eBooks are typically available in two different file formats:

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Software: Adobe Reader (free)
File format: .PDF
The Adobe Portable Document Format is a universal file format available on multiple OS platforms. The format preserves all the fonts, formatting, graphics, and color of any source document, regardless of the application and platform used to create it. Adobe PDF files are compact and can be shared, viewed, navigated, and printed exactly as intended by anyone with free Adobe Acrobat Reader software. ODT format

Software: OpenOffice (free)
File format: .ODT
The Open Document Text file format is part of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) 1.0 specification. This OASIS format is expected to become an industry standard for sharing documents. It has been adopted by the OpenOffice (open source, free version) & StarOffice (commercial version) software suites from Sun Microsystems (available on multiple OS platforms)--and will appear in other products as well.

For more information on open standards, visit OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards).

At the time of this writing, we have standardized on these two file formats. For those using other eBook readers/formats, we apologize. There are simply too many formats in the public domain to publish to! This requires a tremendous amount of time/energy to re-design/re-format for other file types, such as Microsoft Reader.

We feel our chosen formats are the best ones to reach diverse computer platforms/operating systems.

Users can always use the .ODT version to save (or convert with other software) into other file formats which might display on their reader software, albeit without the same level of quality formatting & design we've endeavored to provide with our .PDF and .ODT versions.

Why go to this trouble?

The World Wide Web (WWW) continues to evolve, from simple SGML and HTML page types to complex multimedia and technological wonders involving Java, AJAX, Flash, PHP, C#, Ruby on Rails and other programming languages. The plain text web pages of yesteryear have been superceeded by ever-evolving, refined offerings.

Same with eBooks. and other sites have decided to uplevel fan fiction to the next level, providing a professional-looking luster, design and format via newer technologies. We believe stories will receive more serious consideration if packaged in these file formats, rather than plain ASCII text files or HTML web pages. For those already published, it may renew interest in their works.

This publishing effort is done as a hobby by all involved. It is not a commercial venture. Authors retain 100% ownership of their works, although allowing their designated imprint to publish and distribute copies freely. Some writings may be prolific, highly-polished literary works; others may be amateurish and needing editorial work. Regardless, we believe it's time to uplevel and improve the fan fiction experience.

Lastly, is championing an eBook Development Kit: a guide for authors to publish their works to, or self-publish via their own imprint. As with our Open Content Model (akin to an open source-like model), we do not believe in hoarding content or ideas. The Kit can be used freely by others, using guidelines we've provided.

We hope you enjoy our venture into this brave, bold world of eBooks! Let us know what you enjoy--and what we can improve upon!

For those wishing to become involved...


Copyright 1999-2006 All Rights Reserved. Legal notice.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License, in conjunction with our Open Source Content Model. This site uses XHTML and CSS and looks best with a standards compliant browser.

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Tony Verdeschi
Dr. Helena Russell
Commander John Koenig
Alan Carter
Sandra Benes