- Homage to the Space: 1999 science fiction series.
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  1. The web site is not displaying properly. How can I view everything?
  2. What screen size/resolution did you design the web site at?Should my screen settings be set differently?
  3. I'd like to use your web site design/content/artwork. What's my next step(s)?
  4. How may I submit/contribute content to this web site?
  5. I e-mailed your web site, but I haven't heard back yet. What should I do?
  6. I want to host Space: 1999, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, etc. files on your web site. Can you help?
  7. Can you put me in touch with Gerry Anderson? Chris Bentley? Martin Landau? Sylvia Anderson? Catherine Schell? (insert name here.)
  8. Can I sell things via your site?
  9. Can you teach me web design, 2D and 3D artistry/modeling, etc?
  10. May I publish/republish your content in my book, magazine article, television show, commercial endeavor, etc.?

1. The web site is not displaying properly. How can I view everything?

The web site was designed for newer web browsers which support open web standards, such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Levels 1 and 2, HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0. Examples include Netscape 6.x/7.x, Mozilla 1.x, Apple's Safari 1.x, Opera 5.x, and Microsoft's Internet Explorer 5.5/6.x. To view the site properly, please use one of these web browsers. We recommend that you allow your web browser to use's CSS file (fonts/colors), instead of using your own settings. (Some users do this to override a web site's CSS file so they see their own style every time.) We also recommend that you have JavaScript enabled (turned on) within your browser to access some of the special features of the web site, like the CSS Style Switcher within the side navigation.

We apologize for the decision to abandon support for older web browsers, such as Netscape 4.x, Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x and various older AOL web browsers. The vast majority of our web traffic (as of this writing) consists of Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x, Mozilla 1.x, and Netscape 6.x/7.x users. [We chose to develop for the majority of our viewership, not less than 1% of those visiting with older web browsers.]

We remind everyone that Mozilla is a free web browser; it is built on open web standards; and it is available on a wide variety of operating system platforms. For more information, please visit The webmaster of highly recommends this web browser, too.

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2. What screen size/resolution did you design the web site at? Should my screen settings be set differently? was designed to be viewed on screen size settings of 800x600 or higher, plus a 16-bit (or higher) color resolution. If you have a higher screen size setting, such as 1152x864 or 1200x1024, you will see extra items which were added to background images within our CSS-based Classic Theme, Moonrise Theme and Black Sun Theme.

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3. I'd like to use your web site design/content/artwork. What's my next step(s)?

Read our Open Content Model (OCM) section to learn more about how you can leverage's web content for your own web site. We also utilize a Creative Commons license as well. (See the OCM section for additional details.)

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4. How may I submit/contribute content to this web site?

Visit our Open Content Model (OCM) section! We welcome quality contributions to this web site. After reading the OCM page, please send us an e-mail, outlining what you have in mind. We'll go from there.

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5. I e-mailed your web site, but I haven't heard back yet. What should I do?

Your patience is appreciated. is a hobby, not a commercial endeavor. The webmaster receives 200-400 e-mails a day between work and home – and he has a family and career to tend to. There have been instances in the past where e-mails have bounced back; we ask that you resend your e-mail if you don't hear back in a timely manner. We do try to read every e-mail we receive, although we may not be able to respond to each one.

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6. I want to host Space: 1999, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, etc. files on your web site. Can you help?

Yes, although it depends on the content. is already the home to freely-available Space: 1999 CG (Computer Generated) models and meshes. We provide free hosting for many of these file types. We are willing to host other files, too, if they are non-commercial items. Examples include fan-produced music mixes, fan-produced videos, fan produced software games, etc. We cannot – and will not – host commercial files, such as full cuts of the original episodes.

We do need to take bandwidth considerations into account when hosting files. We can't guarantee we'll host files for an indefinite period of time, but we'll help if we're able to.

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7. Can you put me in touch with Gerry Anderson? Chris Bentley? Martin Landau? Sylvia Anderson? Catherine Schell? Zienia Merton? (insert name here.)

No. I'm actually touched that various folks believe I am able to contact many of the personalities within Gerry Anderson's properties. In actuality, my past history with another sci-fi property, Battlestar Galactica, placed me on a first-name basis with many of the original cast. Not Space: 1999, though.

The only persons whom I speak with (infrequently) are Johnny Byrne, one of Space: 1999's best writers, and Brian Johnson, Space: 1999's Special Effects Supervisor/Director. (You can actually reach Brian via our Features section in our Q&A sessions, although personal responses to each e-mail aren't possible.)

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8. Can I sell things via your site?

Yes and no. Yes, we will consider pointers to other web sites which sell merchandise; no, we will not sell it for you. There have been instances, such as when we volunteered to provide free pointers to Powys Media,, and others with their permission.

If you have an item for sale on, for example, it's likely won't promote it unless it's an original item, such as a costume, prop, script, etc. – and you provide plenty of advance warning so I can HTML a link from our site.

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9. Can you teach me web design, 2D and 3D artistry/modeling, etc?

If there were 28 hour days, I might be able to spare a couple of hours and help with every request I get. It's rare that I'm able to provide any additional help, although I've done so from time to time. Please don't be hurt if I'm unable to provide any assistance to you.

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10. May I publish/republish your content in my book, magazine article, commercial endeavor, etc.?

You may NOT publish/republish any content from in a book, magazine article, or commercial endeavor without express written consent from Michael A. Faries, the webmaster and web site owner of, unless otherwise noted. If content is owned by another person and/or company, such as artwork, CG models/meshes and/or photography, you may seek permission from that source. If you are unsure, write to the web site to obtain permission. The lack of any responses does NOT authorize permission to use content for commercial purposes. Unauthorized usage of content for commercial purposes may result in legal proceedings against the person/persons/company involved.

Our Open Content Model (OCM) and Common Creative license both exist to provide permission for non-commercial use of our content, where appropriate. No commercial use of content may occur without permission from Michael A. Faries, the webmaster and web site owner of, unless otherwise noted.

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Copyright 1999-2006 All Rights Reserved. Legal notice.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License, in conjunction with our Open Source Content Model. This site uses XHTML and CSS and looks best with a standards compliant browser.

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Tony Verdeschi
Dr. Helena Russell
Commander John Koenig
Alan Carter
Sandra Benes